Welcome to your Live Virtual Seminar

1. An established patient is defined as one who has seen the provider within the last

2. The proper modifier for an E&M code billed with treatment is?

3. The proper modifier and place of service indicator for a telemedicine visit billed with an E&M code is?

4. For Medicare status of Non-PAR stands for?

5. What modifier is required on physical medicine and rehabilitation codes billed to the VA and United Health Care

6. The modifier necessary for Medicare claims to demonstrate active or acute treatment of the CMT code is?

7. Diagnosis codes in ICD10 are always

8. Therapeutic procedures and constant attendance modalities are timed in?

9. Due to COVID Medicare is covering telemedicine visits for chiropractors

10. The minimum required face to face time for a timed therapeutic procedure to be billable as one unit, is how many minutes?

11. The minimum required face to face time for a timed therapeutic procedure(s) to be billable as 2 units?

12. When billing 97140 with spinal CMT what is required for separate reimbursement on the same date of service?

13. For sprain or strain diagnosis the 7th character of A indicates?

14. To be paid under the VA Choice program whether under TriWest or OptumHealth the services must be preauthorized?

15. For Medicare claims the primary diagnosis on the claim must be?

16. Providers may routinely waive copays and deductibles?

17. To bill for an E&M on a visit that is not on a day of an examination would require how much time devoted to counseling or coordination of care?

18. May you bill for a phone call with the patient if the patient was seen within 7 days of the phone call?

19. When providing mechanical traction, 97012, for 38 minutes you may bill for how many units?

20. A Medicare patient on maintenance who has signed an ABN may be charged your regular fee for CMT and not limited to the Medicare rate?



wellnesspractice · 09/10/2022 at 7:46 pm

it wasn’t easy to find where I should take the test.

wellnesspractice · 09/10/2022 at 7:47 pm

The test was good, and the class was fantastic.

Yen-Chen Kuo · 10/08/2022 at 4:16 pm

This seminar is worth taken every year.

tbc · 11/12/2022 at 4:22 pm

A ton of information and well presented.

Yvonne Marinkovich · 11/13/2022 at 12:50 pm

Very informative seminar. Thank you.

Gibson Chiropractic · 01/16/2023 at 4:41 pm

Thank you, always informative!

dr.cdarin · 01/28/2023 at 7:42 pm

Always worth the time. Great seminar!

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