Building An Integrative Practice

Building An Integrative Practice

A variety of healthcare providers deliver care through integrative medicine including chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and more. Are you thinking about building an integrative practice? A variety of healthcare providers deliver care through integrative medicine including chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and more. Here are 3 tips when opening an integrative Read more…

Muscle Wasting and Atrophy

Muscle Wasting and Atrophy

There are several new codes this year, specifically identifying spinal regions for… Are you keeping up with the new ICD-10 codes effective October 1st, 2022? There are several new codes this year, specifically identifying spinal regions for Spinal Wasting and Atrophy. M62 Spinal Wasting and Atrophy: .5A0: not elsewhere classified, Read more…

ICD-10 Updates for 2023

ICD-10 Updates for 2023

Every October 1st brings additions and deletions to the ICD-10 codes and although these are 2023 codes, the effective date is October 1, 2022. Are you on top of the diagnosis code updates for 2023? Every October 1st brings additions and deletions to the ICD-10 codes and although these are Read more…

Documenting Manipulation for Medicare

Documenting Manipulation for Medicare

Medicare’s documentation requirements for manipulation are a bit more specific… Are your Medicare claims for manipulation being denied? Medicare’s documentation requirements for manipulation are a bit more specific. Medicare Documentation must include: 1. History: Review of chief complaints 2. Physical examination (P.A.R.T.) 3. Assessment of change in patient’s condition since Read more…

Personal Injury

Personal Injury Post-Settlement

Here are 3 things that will promote transparency so there will be no room for questions and post-settlement problems… Have you experienced a Personal Injury (PI) post-settlement complaint about your treatment and billing? Here are 3 things that will promote transparency so there will be no room for questions and Read more…

Gold Standard

Gold Standard of Documentation

Good documentation practice includes… Is your documentation meeting the ‘Gold Standard’? The Gold Standard of documentation is when another provider can read the notes, clearly identify the service, and perform the service based on what was documented. Good documentation practice includes: 1.Maintaining accurate and complete medical records and documentation of Read more…