A recent study investigating health insurance claims representing over 11,000 unique back pain episodes found that moderate care (2-12 chiropractic care visits) was…

Does chiropractic care impact the use of ‘escalated spine care for low back patients?

Escalated spine care is defined as “imaging studies, injection procedures, emergency department visits, surgery, and opioid medication use.”

A recent study investigating health insurance claims representing over 11,000 unique back pain episodes found that moderate care (2-12 chiropractic care visits) was:

27% less likely to receive imaging,
74% less likely to get injections,
79% less likely to end up in an ER
60% less likely to undergo surgery,
63% less likely to take opioids,

This study adds to the growing evidence supporting nonpharmacological care like chiropractic.

Healthcare continues evolving to less-invasive, natural, and drug-free methods, placing chiropractic care as a first-line choice.

And remember, H.J. Ross Company is an expert with over 40 years of experience in dealing with a wide range of chiropractic billing issues.