COPD is more common in older people, with an estimated 10% of people over 75 in the US having the disease.

Does chiropractic care have the potential to benefit lung function in elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?

COPD is more common in older people, with an estimated 10% of people over 75 in the US having the disease.

A case series of 6 patients (over 65-years-old) having COPD underwent a course of 12 chiropractic adjustment sessions over 4 weeks.

There was a clinically significant increase in forced expiratory volume, a measurement of how much air a person can exhale forcefully in a set amount of time, in the first second after chiropractic adjustment.

This case series offers preliminary evidence that chiropractic adjustments may have the potential to benefit lung function in patients with COPD who are older than 65 years.

Healthcare continues evolving to less-invasive, natural, and drug-free methods, placing chiropractic care as a first-line care choice.

Remember, H.J. Ross Company is an expert with over 40 years of experience dealing with a wide range of chiropractic billing issues.