A case report of an 8-year-old boy presented to a chiropractor with chronic constipation since the child’s birth.

Is chiropractic care an effective treatment strategy for children with chronic constipation?

Constipation in children is a common problem.

A case report of an 8-year-old boy presented to a chiropractor with chronic constipation since the child’s birth.

Allopathic treatment consisting of laxatives, high fluid intake, and high fiber intake had not been effective.

The patient was examined and diagnosed with sacral chiropractic subluxation.

Manipulation of the sacral area was performed as well as massage of the abdomen.

The patient reported an immediate improvement after the first treatment and after continued 2 visits per week for a 4-week period the patient reported consistent normal bowel function.

A follow-up call made 13 years after treatment revealed continuing normal bowel function.

Healthcare continues evolving to less-invasive, natural, and drug-free methods, placing chiropractic care as a first-line choice.

And remember, H.J. Ross Company is an expert with over 40 years of experience in dealing with a wide range of chiropractic billing issues.