Diagnostic Codes

ICD-9▾▴ ICD-10▾▴ Description▾▴ Definition▾▴ Location▾▴
724.3M54.31Sciatica, right side Lumbosacral Spine
723.6M54.02Panniculitis affecting cervical region Cervical Spine
355.0G57.02Lesion of sciatic nerve left lower limb (piriformis syndrome) Lumbosacral Spine
729.2M79.2Neuralgia, neuritis and radiculitis unspecified. (Excludes Brachial neuritis 723.4 M54.1x Lumbosacral neuritis 724.4 M54.1x Mononeuropathies 354, 355, G56-G58, Radiculitis M54.1, Sciatica 724.3 M54.3x-M54.4x) Additional Info
722.73M51.16Lumbar intervertebral disc disorders with radiculopathy Lumbosacral Spine
719.46M25.561Pain in the right knee (joint) Knee
723.1M54.2Cervicalgia (neck pain) Cervical Spine
953.4S14.3XXAInjury of brachial plexus initial encounter Cervical Spine
786.59R07.82 Intercostal pain Thoracic Spine
733.6M94.0Costalchondral junction syndrome (Tietze) Costochondritis Thoracic Spine
717.89M22.2X1Patellofemoral disorders, right knee Knee
717.89M22.2X2Patellofemoral disorders, left knee Knee
847.3S33.8XXASprain of other parts of lumbar spine and pelvis, initial encounter Lumbosacral Spine
M50.122Cervical disc disorder at C5-C6 level with radiculopathy (effective 10-1-2016) Cervical Spine
728.85M62.830Muscle spasm of back Muscle
739.1M99.01Segmental somatic dysfunction cervical region, (Medicare subluxation) Cervical Spine
739.5Segmental somatic dysfunction, pelvis region (hip and pubic region) Lumbosacral Spine
723.0M48.02Spinal stenosis cervical region Cervical Spine
847.0S16.1XXAStrain of muscle, fascia and tendon at neck level (cervical) initial encounter (active care) Additional InfoCervical Spine
G44.86Cervicogenic Headache (new 10-1-2021) Additional InfoHead
721.3M47.26Other spondylosis with radiculopathy, lumbar region (osteoarthritis) Additional InfoLumbosacral Spine
346.12G43.001Migraine without aura, not intractable, with status migrainosus Head

Orthopedic Tests

Orthopedic Test▾▴ Method▾▴ Diagnosis Indication▾▴ ICD9▾▴ ICD10▾▴
Codman's SignThis test is performed on patients with shoulder complaints. The examiner passively abducts the arm on the side of the complaint. The sign is considered present when the abduction can be done without pain and a sudden release of the patient's arm (with it above the horizontal, which causes the deltoid to suddenly contract) causes shoulder pain and a hunching of the shoulder due to the absence of rotator cuff function. The sign is indicative of a rotator cuff tear (Rupture of the Supraspinatus Tendon)Bursitis of right shoulder726.10M75.51
Codman's SignThis test is performed on patients with shoulder complaints. The examiner passively abducts the arm on the side of the complaint. The sign is considered present when the abduction can be done without pain and a sudden release of the patient's arm (with it above the horizontal, which causes the deltoid to suddenly contract) causes shoulder pain and a hunching of the shoulder due to the absence of rotator cuff function. The sign is indicative of a rotator cuff tear (Rupture of the Supraspinatus Tendon)Sprain of other specified parts of right shoulder girdle initial encounter840.6S43.81XA

Evaluation and Management Codes

CPT Code▾▴ Description▾▴
99213Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or examination and low level of medical decision making. When using time for code selection, 20-29 minutes of total time is spent on the date of the encounter.

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

CPT Code 97010
Description Hot or cold packs
Definition Application of surface hot or cold packs. Heat creates higher tissue temperatures, which produces vasodilation that increases the supply of oxygen and nutrients and the elimination of carbon dioxide and metabolic waste. cold packs decrease blood flow to an area to reduce pain and swelling immediately after an injury. Once applied the treatment requires supervision only and is billed for one unit per day.
Documentation Note the specific type, area and time of application. Note time of application nor multiple regions of application has no influence on the billing of added units. These services may be billed only one unit per treatment session regardless of the number of areas or the time of application.
CPT Code 97026
Description Infra red heat
Definition Infra red radiation used to create local heat generally through a lamp (bulb, coil, or other element that emits infra red wave length heat).
Documentation Infrared (IR for short) is the part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum comprised between 0.78 µm and 1 mm wavelength. It is usually divided into three segments: IR-A from 0.78 to 1.4 µm. IR-B, from 1.4 to 3 µm. IR-C, from 3 µm to 1 mm. It has the advantage over direct contact in that radiation can heat directly the area where the blood capillaries and neuron terminals are. When heat comes from a direct contact source it has to heat the external layer of the skin, and heat is transferred to the deeper layer by conduction. Since heat conduction needs a temperature gradient to proceed, and there is a maximum temperature that can be safely used (around 42°C), this means lower temperature where warming is needed.
CPT Code 0552T
Description Low-level laser therapy, dynamic photonic and dynamic thermokinetic energies, provided by a physician or other qualified health care professional
CPT Code 97140
Description Manual therapy techniques (e.g., mobilization/manipulation, manual lymphatic drainage, manual traction), 1 or more regions each 15 minutes
Documentation Supportive Documentation Recommendations for 97140 * Area(s) being treated * Soft tissue or joint mobilization technique used * Objective and subjective measurements of areas treated (may include ROM, capsular end-feel, pain descriptions and ratings,) and effect on function When used on the same date of service as chiropractic manipulative therapy (CMT) 98940-98943, the manual therapy service must be provided to a region not manipulated. To indicate the separate and distinct nature of this service from the CMT 97140 must be appended to 97140. Diagnosis pointing on the 1500 form should be used in addition to the 59 to demonstrate the different regions based on diagnoses being from separate body region. Soft Tissue Mobilization / Myofascial release 97140 This procedure involves the application of skilled manual therapy techniques (active or passive) to soft tissues in order to effect changes in the soft tissues, articular structures, neural or vascular systems. Examples are facilitation of fluid exchange, restoration of movement in acutely edematous muscles, or stretching of shortened muscular or connective tissue. Soft tissue mobilization can be considered reasonable and necessary if at least one of the following conditions is present and documented: a. the patient having restricted joint or soft tissue motion in an extremity, neck or trunk b. treatment being a necessary adjunct to other physical therapy interventions such as 97110, 97112 or 97530. It can also be described as working on underlying connective tissue or trigger points to facilitate the release of chronic muscular tensions restricting posture, movement and circulation. This therapeutic procedure includes techniques that promote increase in mobility by affecting periarticular structures, connective tissue and muscles. Document the muscles/soft tissues targeted, technique/method employed, patient response and time spent. The targeted region(s) typically have an adhesion or indication of fibrosis, which may be exhibited by a painful band or "knot" within the muscle causing limited range of motion. Manual traction-document spinal level (cervical or lumbar), technique or style used (amount of force and any other specifics of the application), patient position, time of traction interval and total time spent. The typical designated outcome would be to restore normal joint spacing thus reducing disc and neural compression, though it can also be used to relieve muscular spasm. The technique involves a drawing or pulling motion on the targeted region by manual means. Diagnoses should indicate a need for traction. (Strain and sprain only do not necessarily indicate a need for traction but may if used to reduce local spasm). Chiropractic Billing Tip Flexion Distraction Note this is not be used to describe flexion distraction which is considered part of the chiropractic CMT Joint mobilization This procedure may be considered reasonable and necessary if restricted joint motion and/or pain is present and documented. It is used as an adjunct to therapeutic exercises when loss of articular motion and flexibility impedes the therapeutic procedure. Document the targeted joint(s), technique used, objective joint response as well as patient response. Do not confuse this procedure with extra spinal chiropractic manipulation. This code is typically used for "frozen" joints such as shoulder, knee, etc. not for "misalignment "and or "subluxation". It is designated as passive movement within the physiologic joint space with the purpose of increasing overall range of joint motion. Manual Lymphatic Drainage/Complex Decongestive Therapy the goal of this type of therapy is to reduce lymphedema by routing the fluid to functional pathways, preventing backflow as the new routes become established, and to use the most appropriate methods to maintain the reduction after therapy is complete. This therapy involves intensive treatment to reduce the size by a combination of manual decongestive therapy and serial compression bandaging, followed by an exercise program. Supportive Documentation Recommendations for 97140 * Area(s) being treated * Soft tissue or joint mobilization technique used * Objective and subjective measurements of areas treated (may include ROM, capsular end-feel, pain descriptions and ratings,) and effect on function When used on the same date of service as chiropractic manipulative therapy (CMT) 98940-98943, the manual therapy service must be provided to a region not manipulated. To indicate the separate and distinct nature of this service from the CMT 97140 must be appended to 97140. Diagnosis pointing on the 1500 form should be used in addition to the 59 to demonstrate the different regions based on diagnoses being from separate body region. Soft Tissue Mobilization / Myofascial release 97140 This procedure involves the application of skilled manual therapy techniques (active or passive) to soft tissues in order to effect changes in the soft tissues, articular structures, neural or vascular systems. Examples are facilitation of fluid exchange, restoration of movement in acutely edematous muscles, or stretching of shortened muscular or connective tissue. Soft tissue mobilization can be considered reasonable and necessary if at least one of the following conditions is present and documented: a. the patient having restricted joint or soft tissue motion in an extremity, neck or trunk b. treatment being a necessary adjunct to other physical therapy interventions such as 97110, 97112 or 97530. It can also be described as working on underlying connective tissue or trigger points to facilitate the release of chronic muscular tensions restricting posture, movement and circulation. This therapeutic procedure includes techniques that promote increase in mobility by affecting periarticular structures, connective tissue and muscles. Document the muscles/soft tissues targeted, technique/method employed, patient response and time spent. The targeted region(s) typically have an adhesion or indication of fibrosis, which may be exhibited by a painful band or "knot" within the muscle causing limited range of motion. Manual traction-document spinal level (cervical or lumbar), technique or style used (amount of force and any other specifics of the application), patient position, time of traction interval and total time spent. The typical designated outcome would be to restore normal joint spacing thus reducing disc and neural compression, though it can also be used to relieve muscular spasm. The technique involves a drawing or pulling motion on the targeted region by manual means. Diagnoses should indicate a need for traction. (Strain and sprain only do not necessarily indicate a need for traction but may if used to reduce local spasm). Chiropractic Billing Tip Flexion Distraction Note this is not be used to describe flexion distraction which is considered part of the chiropractic CMT Joint mobilization This procedure may be considered reasonable and necessary if restricted joint motion and/or pain is present and documented. It is used as an adjunct to therapeutic exercises when loss of articular motion and flexibility impedes the therapeutic procedure. Document the targeted joint(s), technique used, objective joint response as well as patient response. Do not confuse this procedure with extra spinal chiropractic manipulation. This code is typically used for "frozen" joints such as shoulder, knee, etc. not for "misalignment "and or "subluxation". It is designated as passive movement within the physiologic joint space with the purpose of increasing overall range of joint motion. Manual Lymphatic Drainage/Complex Decongestive Therapy the goal of this type of therapy is to reduce lymphedema by routing the fluid to functional pathways, preventing backflow as the new routes become established, and to use the most appropriate methods to maintain the reduction after therapy is complete. This therapy involves intensive treatment to reduce the size by a combination of manual decongestive therapy and serial compression bandaging, followed by an exercise program.


CPT Code Definition location
72100Lumbosacral spine, 2 or 3 views Spine